Our Vision and Aims
Our vision is to be a positive influence upon every child’s life by encouraging them to become successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors, and responsible citizens. We do this by providing a warm, welcoming family friendly environment designed to foster your child’s natural curiosity and creativity.
Our belief is that, given the security of a safe, caring and loving environment, your child’s confidence will bloom, enabling them to discover their individuality and to develop skills and knowledge at their own pace.
Our curriculum
Our curriculum reflects the values, purposes and principles of A Curriculum for Excellence, as staff plan learning and teaching to meet each child’s emotional, social and intellectual development. Health and wellbeing are fundamental to supporting children and play a key role in our provision.
Using the Wellbeing indicators of ‘Getting it right for every child’ (Safe, Healthy, Active, Respected, Responsible, Achieving, Nurtured, Included) we promote the following values and aims:
- Provide a safe, caring, nurturing and stimulating environment promoting kindness, respect, and wellbeing.
- Capture and enhance natural curiosity building on the child’s potential for learning to help create confident and enthusiastic learners.
- Provide a qualified, highly motivated staff team committed to improving outcomes for children and families.
- Promote partnership working with parents, children, staff and other services to support and improve outcomes for children.
- Continually reflect on practice to improve the service provided.
- Create an inclusive nursery environment, promoting equality, fairness and a positive attitude to social and cultural diversity.
Quality Assurance
We reflect and continually monitor our practice to quality assure our performance by:
- Referring to and following best practice as indicated in the Health and Social Care Standards, Realising the Ambition, Getting it right for every child and How good is our Early learning and childcare.
- Thriving on challenge and embracing change
- Implementing new initiatives
- Our commitment to self-evaluation and improvement
- Analysis, evaluation and using data information to grow and improve.