Our Fees
Registration Fee (non-refundable): £50.00
Full day anytime between 8am – 6pm: £58.00
Half day morning anytime between 8am – 1pm: £32.00
Half day afternoon anytime between 1pm – 6pm: £32.00
The Nursery is open from 8am through till 6pm Monday to Friday 50 weeks of the year.
Fees are calculated monthly and are payable monthly in advance. The fees fall due on the first nursery day of each month. Discounts may apply to children who attend nursery on a full-time basis, or those who have a sibling in attendance.
Application can be made to your local authority for Early Learning and childcare funded hours towards your child’s Junior or Senior year at Riverbank; funding may also be available for eligible 2 year olds, contact us if you would like further information.
28 Days written notice is required when a child leaves or parents require to decrease days or fees will be charged in lieu of notice. Fees can be paid by BACS, Childcare Vouchers, Tax Free Childcare, Standing Order, Cheque or Cash. Fees are normally subject to annual review and may be revised at other times with reasonable notice.
The Nursery is closed on the following dates:
Good Friday and Easter Monday
1st Monday in May
1st Monday in August
Christmas Eve through to the first working day in January.
If Riverbank seems like the right fit for you, please call, email or use contact us to arrange a visit, discuss your requirements or register for a Place.